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1.Embedded CPU is a 32 bit master controller card which is suitable for a variety of monitoring and control applications
2. The Inductive Detector card is a 8 bit microcontroller used for a variety of vehicle sensing applications such as vehicle detection for guided
parking, toll / parking barrier gate control, vehicle counting and speed detection system
3. Load Control Plus is an alternating current (AC) load switching and monitoring embedded microcontroller card. It is incorporated with safety features such as voltage status monitoring and is able to communicate via RS485 as a SCADA node
4. The RTU card acts as an interface for remote equipment to be connected to the centralized monitoring and control system by transmitting telemetry data. It can be controlled locally as well from the remote central control
5. The LED Display Control card is a 7-Segment intelligent controller which is capable of driving digital numeric displays. It cant be connected to other peripheral systems using RS485 or via a wireless RF interface. Applications include que / token calling system for hospitals, banks or government departments, toll gate displays and digital clocks among others
6. The Current Analyser card monitors the AC current with safety considerations. It can be interfaced with other embedded systems, where current monitoring using a load of 200V ~ 260V, AC is required
7. IP Modem is a GSM/GPRS 3G Modem which includes both SMS and data connectivity features. This modem triggers SMS alerts in an event of an input status change or by command instruction. It is compatible with TCP/IP and UDP, multi-server and multi client configuration. The IP
Modem has 4 units of clean contact and 240 VAC inputs.

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